Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Stroud, Gloucestershire
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud near Gloucester and Online

Therapeutic Bodywork

The therapeutic bodywork I offer is based on shiatsu massage and influenced 

by Kitaido (Martial arts focusing on the flow of ki), Vipassana meditation, Shiatsu for Pregnancy training, Craniosacral Therapy, Tantra Massage and Psychotherapy.  


Shiatsu is a Japanese art of massage with its roots in Chinese medicine. Over the years I have attended to varios trainings related to touch and massage which helped me to learn and develop further. In this process I had to deal with my own issues which inevitaly brings growth and a deeper understanding of myself and others. 


Techniques and tools are used accordingly taking into consideration what is happening to you, who is unique. Initially I spend about 30 min engaging into your history, observing your tone of voice, facial and body's expression which gives me a felt sense of you. My awareness of your nervous system (breath, heart rate etc) will support my moves and touch and the pace and rythm of the treatment.  


The work is performed in a futon with the client fully clothed lying comfortably, proped by cushions.  My touch is gentle, deep and sensitive to what is taking place at each moment during the bodywork's session.

The Bodywork I offer is extremely calming and relaxing, therefore it can help with stress, sleeping problems, anxiety and panick attacks amongst a variety of other complaints. Contact me if you would like further information.




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