Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Stroud, Gloucestershire
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud near Gloucester and Online


Thank you for yesterday.  It was good to meet you and have that space and an initial treatment.

I felt safe, which is saying quite a lot, as I pretty much never do. L.R.


Tania Gallindo is a professional Counsellor and I am glad I made the right decision to choose her as my therapist in a period of my life when I was struggling with my problems.
I've been in therapy with Tania for 17 months during that time she helped me to interact with myself using the psychosynthesis model.
First I learnt to explore my problems with confidence and honesty then I started to dig down into my past to discover the traumas of my childhood and that allowed me to love myself at a different level, by acceptance and forgiveness, which is definitely the best way to feel more confident and positive.
I believe that life is a long journey where mistakes and forgiveness have an important role in helping us to grow, andnot just as a person but also as a soul.
A good therapist guides you during this journey and Tania has done it perfectly during the time we worked together. Tania is very friendly and careful about listening and understanding, she had the ability to discuss my problems without interfering in my decisions and to make me think about my choices.
I would strongly recommend Tania Gallindo to those that are willing to discover the strength inside themselves and the potential of gaining a healthier lifestyle.

Had the most wonderful sacral therapy session with the Earth Angel Tânia Gallindo this morning. Body slowly getting ready to explode open like a box of fire works. T.B.

Dear Tania, H. has been so relaxed after her Cranio session and most importantly she has been sleeping in the night for longer periods than before. We are very grateful for your help and for following up with us to check on her."


Tania, you have amazing healing hands and such a soothing touch. I can't tell you how good I felt after our cranio/shiatsu session. Feeling unbelievably relaxed.
Many many thanks. P.L.

Dear Tania, H. has been so relaxed after her Cranio session and most importantly she has been sleeping in the night for longer periods than before. We are very grateful for your help and for following up with us to check on her."


"Craniosacral with Tania has been for me and my children a very nourishing experience that has helped us through difficult times. She is a sensitive, gentle and skillful therapist. Her ability to connect with the energy flow in our bodies cannot be fully described in words, but the experiences we had were exceptionally profound and positive."
R P.

"My daughter Olivia suffered from really bad trapped wind from birth and many people said that Craniosacral Therapy really helps with this and if not gets rid of it completely. I called up Tania and had a long conversation with her and immediately I knew that she was the right person to treat my baby. I sat and watched Tania do Cranio on Olivia and I was very intrigued how she reacted even whilst asleep. She spent a good hour on her and really connected with her. Tania also spent half an hour on me and she really made me feel relaxed and ease. That night Olivia slept 5 hours straight instead of getting up every 2 hours. It seemed that Tania had really released tension that she may have had. The whole week after Olivia seemed like a different baby, happier, relaxed and full of smiles. Thanks to Tania I now sleep during the night and am not so stressed myself. Highly recommend her service."


"Tania my neck is so much stronger, it's nothing short of a miracle after 20 years of almost continual pain. I do believe that there is a little more work that is required on it but I rarely wake up in terrible pain, and I can rest on the side of my neck for a short period of time. The quality of my life has significantly improved, thanks to the 6 treatments that I've received from you, and I feel stronger and even more whole.



"Just to say that you seemed to have worked miracles with Oliver who now is taking naps and only woke once last night since his Craniosacral session. Would like to book another session for both of us please. Many Thanks".



"I think your Craniosacral treatment was so powerful for Both Jack and I, he has been much better since his treatment much more comfortable and far fewer digestive problems."
Thank you again.


"Thank you so much for yesterday's Craniosacral treatment, you are gifted...I feel like being reborn! Really there was a great release. I feel like a different person, thank you for facilitating this."


"We both really enjoyed the treatment. We went for lunch afterwards and after that Katrina slept for over an hour which is a long time for a day nap at the moment, thank you."


The content the workshop was varied, challenging and enlightening. It was well graded to start with less challenging activities. This gave the group time to gel and connect with each other. The table work was so gentle and respectful. Tania has a wonderful way of normalising every part of the body so that there was no fear or shame working in a group.
Her presentation skills are to be admired. Each person in the group had their own personal stories and secrets that were help within the room. To manage the dynamics around that and support each person on their own personal journey as well as deliver the content of the workshop was truly impressive. Tania was patient and perceptive to the time required for each member to process each activity. She also bound the support of the whole group for each other. Her ability to present what was required depending on the present situation within the group makes me want to repeat the experience as I know each workshop will have its own special energy and healing generated to accommodate everyone.
I was surprised by the amount of activities presented that were simple in concept but complex in the way the energy changed and freedom of expression expanded and filtered into the core rather than bouncing off the outer shell. Very transforming!
The level of knowledge and experience was clear from the start of the workshop. The practical yet sensitive presentation of the anatomy of the genitalia was perfectly pitched. The explanations of arousal and orgasm and the function of the various structures was comfortable and reassuring.

As the workshop progressed and inhibitions faded a sense of connectedness to my femininity and heart took place. I went into the workshop as a thinking, fact based, somewhat self-absorbed, self-critical and very insular individual. I left the workshop embracing my femininity, feeling with my heart, connected to a group of women who were willing to support me and nurture my inner child and with a sense of inner freedom and personal achievement. The transformation was visible as well as felt.

The wonderful thing about this transformation is that it is permanent as far as I can tell. I approach everything with a new sense of worthiness as a woman and not as a “person”. It’s subtle yet profound in that the edges are softer but stronger, open not closed and the connections are heart felt not brain felt. This change has been noticed by my clients as we become more aligned. My business has exploded with “word of mouth” as I allow my intuition to work instead of my intellect. It’s a truly wonderful thing to be unable to explain why a healing takes place other than to say I “felt” it. I no longer am compelled to explain in scientific terms what happens with healing when the body is just doing what it knows how to do.
Interestingly, 75% of my clients are now women compared to 66% before the workshop. More women are coming to me with physical ailments that are related to stress and their role as women rather than physical trauma. Perhaps I am just more attuned to it or maybe they are but there has been a definite shift. I haven’t used any specific craniosexual holds yet but I think this not far away. Exciting stuff for the future! Thanks Tania.
C.F. Craniosexual Dynamics workshop(NZ)

The workshop was intense and growthful for me. I experienced your skilful facilitation as warm, rich and very available to any nuances of challenge that I, or any of the participants, may have come across. I had a huge emotional response to my infant abuse after the course.
Bless you for your sacred work darling-you definitely have a soul mission. I look forward to our next meeting. AROHANUI

Thank you so much Tania, I loved your workshop. I felt more connected to my femininity and thinking about it now that has carried on, I'm wearing my earrings again and more in touch with what I wear. I felt connected to dancing and the amazing meditation. I had always thought our private parts were ugly so there was a real transformation around that. The workshop was full of love and femininity and freedom of expression, I loved the freedom of expression.

I am on a journey of liberation, truth and love. I believe Craniosexual workshop has touched and opened my heart. Opening myself up to more beauty and in that I can make a difference when connecting to other women. I loved our heart connection, I'm more connected to the heart. So many things. Thank you Tania


“I felt in safe hands. We were respected and cared
about, and kept on track without dismissing anything
that was brought up”

“I have enjoyed the broad mix of activities and also
loved the softness of the approach - It felt
gentle, loving and safe.”

"Tania has been giving Shiatsu massages to me for most weeks for almost two years. She is very conscientious and professional.

I have gained from Tania's Shiatsu treatments in two particular areas. Firstly, aches (from sports injuries) in my knees or spasms in my back are minimized or eliminated by her treatments, to a much greater extent than through using a physiotherapist. Secondly, the pressures and stresses of my work are considerable, and I find her treatments very helpful from a relaxation/well-being point of view.
I unhesitatingly recommend her - she is excellent!"


It was a lovely session, and I really appreciated the care and sensitivity of the massage - you have an absolutely fantastic touch. I felt very energized the day after, and much more relaxed that week. My shoulders especially have been better since! Thanks again!

"Bodywork/massage with Tania has helped me to overcome severe backache during my pregnancy. After giving birth to twins I have found her sessions both physically and mentally invigorating. During the treatments I always felt at ease while a restorative force awoke within me making me feel whole and empowered again."

"Shiatsu with tania has helped me with severe morning sickness, I felt wonderfully relaxed after her treatments. She is very passionate and gives hundred per cent of herself."

"Tania's massage makes me feel immediately very calm. She takes the right amount of time in order to engage with mother and baby. It is a great opportunity to have a space to yourself where you can release any tension or anxieties you might be experiencing."


"Thank you for all the help the day Jack was born. I'm extremely grateful and couldn't have done without you." (Shiatsu for labour at St. George's Hospital)


"Shiatsu treatment with Tania was such a different experience from other treatments I had before. I enjoyed a great sense of well-being and drifted into a deep relaxation state. Tania's energy, warmth, and ability to connect with my body was amazing. I felt balanced and full of energy afterwards which surprised me as I was feeling tired and tense before the treatment."


"Thank you very much for the simply wonderful Shiatsu treatment. It felt fantastic! I think you have a real gift for Shiatsu. I will certainly be making a return visit"


"Thanks again, I can't tell you how much better my sciatica is now thanks to you!"


"You have magic hands. Can I take you home?!"


"I have tried many massages over the years because of my backache and Tania's massage is the best one I had. She combines deep pressure like in deep tissue massage with a calming and very relaxing touch, the perfect combo."


I recently had a series of mentoring sessions with Tania and just wanted to share my story to hopefully encourage other women who may be hesitant or think it is not important enough to focus on their own sexuality.   Initially, committing to the the two hour weekly sessions for four weeks seemed an extravagance of time, particularly with a toddler, but it has been the most worthwhile and enduring gift I have given myself (and in time, hopefully my daughter).
The subject of the treatment was to address my lack of libido, inability to orgasm and dislike of my body.  To be honest, this isn’t what inspired me to contact Tania.   It was only after I read more about her as a therapist that I became interested in what lies beneath all this, the sexuality and sexual energy of being a woman.  My hope was to finally feel comfortable with my body and myself to subsequently become a better role model in the future for my daughter.
I could not have imagined the experience of awareness and awakening that this process has given me.  
I have tried, with minimum success, various therapy over the years to improve my self esteem/self worth, so I find it hard to believe myself how after four sessions I feel so incredibly ‘womanly’.   It’s very difficult to explain this feeling, particularly without it sounding trite, but I feel I have discovered my innate and fundamental ‘womanness’. I feel like I have gone back to basics.   In my core I feel nurturing, calm, womanly, beautiful, confident, maternal, strong.    I realize that sexuality is not ‘sex’ but a sexual energy that allows you to feel empowered not vulnerable.
This wasn’t a quick fix, I’m not ‘cured’ but I have a new sense of who I am and that is a very powerful (and empowering) state to be in.
I had a wonderful connection with Tania, and although I don’t think that was unique to me, it did allow me to feel that I was in a safe, discreet and supportive environment.   I revealed intimate experiences and thoughts; some of her exercises pushed me out of my usual comfort zone; and our discussions challenged my way of thinking.   You can only successfully and comfortably do this with someone of Tania’s experience, openness and gentle nature. 
Not only a wonderful therapist, but Tania was a nurturing guide through this process.   I appreciated that she shared her own experiences and it seemed to me that she adapted her learnings to suit me as a person rather than following a ‘program’ so I felt like the exercises we did together were individual rather than text-book.   The actual craniosacral therapy was blissful, but it was the conversations we had that resonated with me days and weeks later.
I am so grateful to have been introduced to this treatment by such a wonderful and inspirational therapist and mentor.

I often think about you and the work I did with you. I'm a different person sexually as a result, so much freer, such a profound work. H.G.x

".....I left each session feeling like I owned a bit more of myself, and could actually change a side of me that I never really liked.
It's a daily exercise and a long path but something has changed inside me and I look forward to continuing the journey.
Thank you Tania, there should be more kind and beautiful people like you to make this a better world.''

Each of my sessions of with Tania was unique and profound in its own way, and I was amazed at how my body and self was being treated in the same environment, by the same person, yet each time was so different from the other, like a story that arose and expressed itself, then dissipated and released.

During the first, as Tania began the treatment, I felt rushes of energy coursing through my body, a delicious pleasant tingling from the soles of my feet, up my spine and into my buttocks, then into my head and beyond. A feeling of healing energy washed through me during the session, and a deep relaxation.

In the second treatment, as Tania placed her hand over my pubic area, where I have experienced chronic long term pain for 3 years, an image came to me very clearly, of a newborn baby, just delivered from the womb, tiny and crinkled, and held in the arms of somebody just in front of me. I don’t know if I was the child, or if the child was mine. Then, the baby disappeared and an image came of hundreds of writhing snakes inside my body, a huge mass of intertwined serpents, a terrifying vision.

Then again, quite clearly, as my focus came to my yoni (Vagina), I heard the words “sorry, sorry, sorry”. The words and pictures came clear as a bell. That evening, I woke in the middle of the night, with painful prickling sensations over my whole body and pelvic discomfort, the resurgence of an old sympton that I hadn’t experienced in well over a year. There is no doubt in my mind that the treatment brought to the surface, and released, a layer of very deep healing.

As I meditated on the experience the next day, questions came up and passed. Whilst my mind questioned the “sorry” that was spoken three times, I acknowledge that it’s enough simply to have heard the words. And for the words to have been expressed. I don’t need to know who or what or why, but somewhere some time, something happened that shouldn’t have. And tears came in recognition of this. As the tears pass I became aware of a surge of strength, a strong sense of connection with self and I feel the deliciousness of being me, in this body, in this life. My feet feel rooted to the ground, yet I’m aware of my sensitivity – the yin and the yang. I feel present, noting the colour of the walls, the warmth of the blanket wrapped around me, and I feel a great peace within. I am love.

During my third treatment, my body felt stiff and frozen, none of the usual lovely tingles of energy moving through. I felt convinced that nothing would come up this time. Then as Tania placed her hand over my yoni, I saw an image of many bats, hundreds of them, fluttering and flying out of my body, as if they’d suddenly been disturbed. Like beating an old carpet, and watching the dust billowing out. I began to cry, racked with tears, and a huge sense of catharsis and release, followed by complete exhaustion. I had the strong sense that another shedding of old trauma had been released.

Moving into the last session, I felt a lovely completion. As Tania laid her hands on me, there was nothing dramatic, no images, no words, no extreme emotions. I just experienced a calm and grounded feeling, of being really connected and “in” my body. And the strong awareness that I am just a soul encased inside a physical body. My body and consciousness welcomed and soaked up Tania’s treatment, and I feel great appreciation that we were able to meet in this space and do such powerful work together.

My sessions with Tania were gentle, compassionate and I felt held in a very safe and sacred space with her, whilst we worked together. She fully listened to me from her heart, and to feel completely “heard” is a healing thing in itself.

I know that my sessions with Tania prompted a great surge of energetic healing, and emotions that were long held were released organically. And having been chronically unwell for the last few years it excited me to know that this treatment moved something very profoundly, away from stagnation into movement and flow

The reason for my visit was to get myself in touch with my femininity and to release any tension I might have had in my pelvic region.

The whole process encouraged me to open up, I realised I had tension in different areas of my vagina and as they were released a sense of vitality and life force ensued.
Tania is a skilled therapist, sensitive and fully present in her approach. Her warmth and generous spirit made me feel instantly comfortable and her inquisitive nature has prompted me to also enquiry on my feelings, body sensations and thoughts making the experience for me extremely rich. I left feeling empowered, inspired and considering this treatment as a therapeutic process to have regularly.

The experience also made me think of the importance of this work for young women and teenagers. Its a type of work that increases self-esteem, self-confidence and empowers women through a felt sense of their own bodies. Women would less likely to experience negative sexual experiences and traumas as a consequence. This is how sexual education should be performed, in a positive way to empower not to scare.

Tania is an exceptional natural healer with a beautiful calm approach. She very easily get in tune with your energy and works with it in an expansive way. She is also gloriously alive and awakened to her sexual energy and gives permission to you fully express your womanhood. I found her sessions healing, calming and enlivening. I highly recommend Tania's particular style of Craniosacral, which encompasses depth and years of experience. B.B.

I heard from Tania’s psychotherapeutic Bodywork through a friend. I was initially attracted to it on the grounds that it could help me to further my chances in getting pregnant. What is more my experience with sexuality has been filled with shame and traumas. I used to suffer with pain during sexual intercourse and I still find difficult to relax during sex.

After speaking on skype to Tania I intuitively decided to try psychotherapeutic Bodywork. Tania is a warm and incredibly feminine lady who made me feel relaxed straightway. Her touch was gentle, sensitive and generous. The whole experience was very beautiful and thanks to her I felt very special in many ways.

Eventually I was aware of an area of discomfort in my my vagina. I had felt pain before in the past in the same area. A surge of emotion surfaced and I allowed it to be released. Tania talked to me in a reassuringly way, which made me feel all was ok.

Tania started the by holding the area in stillness I sensed a tremendous amount of activity in my lower tummy, which Tania confirmed without me pointing it out. I felt I was under a process of deep healing where heat came followed by a softening and a soothing sensation, I felt safe.

The spot Tania had energetically contacted in my vagina brought a traumatic incident that I had experienced when I was 18 to surface. Having her fully listening to what had happened to me further helped me feeling seen and respected. The interesting was that while it happened the spot of tension in the area in question, felt like it was melting down.

After the treatment on that afternoon I felt a heaviness and tenderness in my lower abdomen around my ovaries, suddenly I realised that they were realigning and that continued for a while. I contacted Tania and asked her if that was normal, it felt like my ovaries were talking to me. She replied: “what are they telling you?” And my answer was; “Slow down.” So she recommended me to follow my ovaries advice, which I did. Next morning I felt very connected to my body, balanced, lighter and relaxed. There was a sense of expansion on the whole of my pelvis and my body, a wave of sensuality flowing through my whole body slowing me down beautifully. It has given me an unique opportunity of connecting to my feminine body and to heal.













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