My training background is varied including, Physical Theatre and Dance where I trained while living in Brazil, where I grew up. Eventually I started to facilitate healing for people, relieving their discomfort and pain through my touch. That led me into studying 3 years of Shiatsu and 6 years of Martial Arts with Senzei Ken Waight, internationally known shiatsu, acupuncturist and founder of Kitaido (Martial Arts) in London. While training in Shiatsu I started to practice Zen meditation followed by Vipassana meditation, which I still practice. Meditation has been and still is an enormous resource in my own healing journey.
Due to my own experience as a mother and the fascinating subject of pregnancy and birth, I embarked on a year PGDip course for Shiatsu Practitioners at Well Mother in Bistol with Suzanne Yates, internationally known Shiatsu teacher on the subject of Pregnancy, Labour & beyond, and Baby Massage. During the subsequent years I trained as a Craniosacral Therapist, which helped me to connect with my body and address my own past traumas. I have also worked as assitent and tutor for the Craniosacral Educational Trust in London between 2014-2016.
As part of my journey and curiosity about tantric work I joined various courses on the subject, however it was the training in Women's Sexuality Coaching with Shakti Malan that enabled me to understand in my own body how distorted views on sexuality and sex can be a huge problem in our societies. This year long training was an experiential course, which helped me to explore my own issues around sexuality and in the process acquire a deeper understanding and awareness on the subject, physically, psychologically and especially spiritually. That led me to participate in various courses and to research on the subject of women's sexuality, using the techniques from my trainings to approach the delicate and little understood by society, subject of women's sexual energy. I have developed and run a series of workshops for women around sexuality and healing in London, Brazil and New Zealand between 2014 and 2019.
During the women's sexuality coaching training, psychotherapeutic process work was widely used, which helped me to integrate what I had experienced in an effective way. In order to understand further about the psychotherapeutic processes I joined a 3 years PGDip degree in Counselling with The Psychosynthesis Trust in London & Middlesex University accreditation. In this training I explored myself experientially in depth, while at the same time learning a variety of counselling skills. Psychosynthesis is a transpersonal approach to talking therapy, which means it has a holistic approach to it. It was a challenging and beautiful experience and the journey continues. In many ways, it has changed my life and the ways I live it.
The work I create acknowledges body and soul, thus inviting you to embody your experience, dismissing nothing and embracing all you are.
I do often participate in seminars, conferences and courses in subjects of my interest such as Jungian approach to psychotherapy, especially the subject of the unconscious and the importance of exploring it in therapy.
Thank you so much Tania, I loved your workshop. I felt more connected to my femininity and thinking about it now that has carried on, I'm wearing my earrings again and more in touch with what I wear. I felt connected to dancing and the amazing meditation. I had always thought our private parts were ugly so there was a real transformation around that. The workshop was full of love and femininity and freedom of expression, I loved the freedom of expression. I loved our heart connection, I'm more connected to the heart. So many things. Thank you Tania
"...Tania was patient and perceptive to the time required for each member to process each activity. She also bound the support of the whole group for each other. Her ability to present what was required depending on the present situation within the group makes me want to repeat the experience as I know each workshop will have its own special energy and healing generated to accommodate everyone.
I was surprised by the amount of activities presented that were simple in concept but complex in the way the energy changed and freedom of expression expanded and filtered into the core rather than bouncing off the outer shell. Very transforming!
The level of knowledge and experience was clear from the start of the workshop. The practical yet sensitive presentation of the anatomy of the genitalia was perfectly pitched. The explanations of arousal and orgasm and the function of the various structures was comfortable and reassuring.
As the workshop progressed and inhibitions faded a sense of connectedness to my femininity and heart took place. I went into the workshop as a thinking, fact based, somewhat self-absorbed, self-critical and very insular individual. I left the workshop embracing my femininity, feeling with my heart, connected to a group of women who were willing to support me and nurture my inner child and with a sense of inner freedom and personal achievement. The transformation was visible as well as felt.
The wonderful thing about this transformation is that it is permanent as far as I can tell. I approach everything with a new sense of worthiness as a woman and not as a “person”. It’s subtle yet profound in that the edges are softer but stronger, open not closed and the connections are heart felt not brain felt. This change has been noticed by my clients as we become more aligned. My business has exploded with “word of mouth” as I allow my intuition to work instead of my intellect. It’s a truly wonderful thing to be unable to explain why a healing takes place other than to say I “felt” it. I no longer am compelled to explain in scientific terms what happens with healing when the body is just doing what it knows how to do.
Interestingly, 75% of my clients are now women compared to 66% before the workshop. More women are coming to me with physical ailments that are related to stress and their role as women rather than physical trauma. Perhaps I am just more attuned to it or maybe they are but there has been a definite shift. I haven’t used any specific craniosexual holds yet but I think this not far away. Exciting stuff for the future! Thanks Tania.
C.F. Craniosexual Dynamics workshop ( 2 days) (NZ)
.".....I left each session feeling like I owned a bit more of myself, and could actually change a side of me that I never really liked.
It's a daily exercise and a long path but something has changed inside me and I look forward to continuing the journey.
Thank you Tania, there should be more kind and beautiful people like you to make this a better world.''
I highly recommend Tania and her Craniosexual Therapy work. As a woman, it resonates greatly with me. It not only has led me to a deeper knowing, understanding & exploration of myself but has also led to much change and empowerment in my life. Tania has helped me to grow and cultivate a powerful relationship with myself. Her kindness, wisdom and realism combined are truly effective and have helped me to embrace and own who I am. L.P.