Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Stroud, Gloucestershire
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud near Gloucester and Online

Shiatsu Massage

The Shiatsu I offer is based on the ancient Japanese art of massage with its roots in Chinese medicine. I have been practicing Shisatu for 18 years. My approach has been influenced by Kitaido (Martial arts focusing on the flow of ki) and zen meditation, which means I can use specific techniques during the treatment to suit each person..

My work as a Craniosacral therapist and counsellor has helped me to tune in to what is happening to my clients during a session, not only on the physical but also energetic, psychological and spiritual levels. The treatment will be a different experience for each person. My Shiatsu session involves rotation of joints, stretches and pressure along the energetic channels as well as pressure with hands and fingers and elbows. My touch is gentle, deep and sensitive to what is taking place at each moment during the session with my clients.

The Shiatsu I offer is extremely calming and relaxing, therefore it can help with stress, sleeping problems and anxiety, amongst a variety of other complaints. Contact me if you would like further information.

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